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Malicious War

Malicious War is a free MMO political / strategy game where you can make and develop your own country, build various buildings, craft nuclear weapons, establish a powerful army to fight other players, spy on them, or bomb them using various weapons! Malicious War is also a story-based game where it has a great story scenario, each decision you make impacts the flow of the story and ultimately the ending also. The story is based on real historical events center on occupation, where some people believe that the occupier is better than their leadership because they believe it was corrupted, while others believed that even corrupted leadership is better than the occupier.

Shamekh: because we are the native people of this land we have the full privilege to do whatever we want on it, it is totally unfair that the strong people believe they have the right to control other weak people! Nameq: you see, sometimes it is better for the country to be occupied by another country that has the strength to thrive it. If we left this land for the original people, they won't take advantage of it and thus, it will be useless


World 1 launched!

World 1 launched! Play now and be one of the most powerful kings in this world!


Now you can invite your friends to earn gems!

You can now use the link in your profile popup to invite your friends to the game, if they registered via Facebook or verified their account by email, you will immediately earn 100 gems!


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